
citybusBCC has an innovative and proven product line for this demanding application.  The lightweight, high capacity heavy duty transit bus rooftop and rear mount air conditioning systems offer the most improved overall fuel consumption, enhanced reliability, and reduced life cycle costs industry wide.  Offered in both traditional and all-electric versions, the systems use BCC’s micro-channel heat exchanger (MCHX) coil technology, which delivers significant performance improvements through better heat transfer and thermal performance.

For available products, please click here


coachBCC’s lineup of integrated HVAC products and multiple roof top systems are available for all Coach and Intercity OEM buses.  Innovative design and purpose built for this application separates us from the competition.  When combined with BCC’s leading 05G compressor and other available industry compressors, these Coach and Intercity products make for long lasting and energy efficient performance.

For available products, please click here